Monday, January 26, 2015

1.The picture is a tent.The image means that a certain area there are tents or can be tents. This is usually found at campsites or parks

2.The picture is a bench. The image means that a certain area has benches. This is usually found at parks and campsite.

3.This picture is a school.The image means that there is a school in the area or near by. This is usually found on the side of streets to show that u are close to a area where a school is.

4.This picture is a bathroom.The image means that this sign is showing what the room is in this case its a bathroom.This is usually found or a door of a bathroom.

5.This picture is a parking signs.This image means that this area is for parking.This is usually found in the back of stores and others businesses to show u can park here.

6.This picture is of someone sleeping.This image usually means that this is a place to sleep and rest. This image is usually found in hotels or schools with bedrooms.

7.This picture is a fork and knife.This image means that this area is for eating.this image is usually found at malls where the food court is.


9.This is a picture of a handy cap person.This image means that this parking or this area is only for handy cap.This usually found is area specifically for handy cap

10.This image is a picture of a question mark.This image means that someone has a question. This picture is usually found where someone might recored a question or ask it.

11. This image is a picture of groceries. This image means that this a place that might sell groceries or other accessories.This image is usually found  in stores.

12.This image is a picture of a phone. This picture means that there is a phone near by or in your area.This mage is usually found in a area where a phone is located.

13.This image is a picture of a man on a trail.This image means that this is the direction of the correct trail.This picture is usually found or a hike or mountain where someone might trail.

14.this image is a picture of a ramp. this image means there is a ramp here or near in the area. this image is usually found in area where a ramp can be used and is int he aree

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